People’s Action Care Over Cost United Healthcare Denies Care!

“Prior Authorization, the so-called “gold standard” to make sure “I” don’t use too much healthcare, are you shitting me?! Prior authorizations don’t make care better they delay it. Prior authorizations deny care, prior authorizations kill people. Prior...

Proud to have played a role in this

Campaigners Beat ‘Greedy’ Insurance Giants Exploiting Medicare Advantage As insurance companies’ stock fell 6-12% on Tuesday in response to the Biden administration’s Medicare Advantage announcement, one healthcare campaigner celebrated that...

We Won! Message From Be A Hero

I am so so happy to share that yesterday, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced the final rate notice for Medicare Advantage insurers, and they held the line at 3.7%! This signifies a big victory for our movement to reclaim medicare, and while...

The Rick Smith Show Healthcare is a Racket March 20, 2024

Every time we privatize a public need to create a profit motive, people get hurt. Nowhere is this more evident than in our push to privatize Medicare. Our guest today is Jenn Coffey, a former State Representative and EMT who bought into the privatized Medicare...