Stop Health Insurers’ Most Evil Scheme

Why are the major health insurance companies — including Humana, Kaiser, United Healthcare, Cigna, and Blue Cross Blue Shield — denying coverage of obviously necessary procedures, devices, and medications?

We went searching for the reason and what we uncovered is the scam behind the practice of requiring prior authorization.

Research found that 90% of doctors report that patients abandoned treatment because of the prior authorization process. Digging deeper, the report found that 19% of doctors reported it led to life-threatening events or required intervention to prevent permanent impairment.

Now a whistleblower has helped us expose this evil corporate scheme in our latest exclusive report.

Check it out and then CLICK HERE to sign and send a direct email message to the CEO’s of the five biggest health insurers in the country demanding they stop using this dirty trick to deny patients care.

Here is a look at my letter. Please, join me, we need your voice more than ever.

To The CEOs of Humana, Kaiser, United Healthcare, Cigna, and Blue Cross Blue Shield,

I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 70% of people many of them children consider suicide as the only way out of the suffering due to lack of access to care that works. CRPS is also known as the suicide disease and it’s the most painful illness known to modern medicine. Research has found that 90% of doctors report that patients abandoned treatment because of the prior authorization process. Digging deeper, the report found that 19% of doctors reported it led to life-threatening events or required intervention to prevent permanent impairment.

It’s pure evil to deny a $600 infusion to keep me here while you paint the town in your luxury cars and boats, while I suffer. I have had times when death would have been kinder than the life of hell you leave me in when you deny me access to the care I need.

Stories of a double amputee being denied coverage for a wheelchair or delayed coverage for a cancer patient causing irreparable harm to their health are not uncommon. Having my entire life destroyed and struggling to stay ahead to live a little longer, is the gift you’ve given me after 20 years of service as a healthcare provider and first responder.

The reality is the practice of requiring prior authorization for a procedure, device, or medication ordered by a doctor is a scam designed to deny healthcare that normally would be covered under a patient’s plan.

You take the care out of healthcare.

I call on you to end this practice immediately. Stop killing people!


Honorable Jenn Coffey, NREMTI (Ret.), JP

CLICK HERE and join the fight to stop mass delays in care while people wait for for a prior authorization and suffer. We need to put them on notice that they can not continue to pocket our premiums and profit from our pain!

Button created by Laura Lynch

“Health insurance takes the care out of healthcare.” Jenn Coffey