My Favorite Tips for Helping My Treatments Work

Published on The Mighty 6/3/2021 Often we have discussions about our medications, infusions, therapies, and all that modern medicine has to offer. The other side of the coin is how to be a team player in your own care. It becomes a second job, your own career, and...

Inner Demons (Published in “The MIghty” 04/14/2021)

My inner demon likes to tell me that I will not succeed in anything I try. It assigns rejection and dislike to people without them really saying or doing anything. My inner voice takes the negative side without a thought. It seems automatic, unavoidable, and...

Meditation (Published on “The Mighty” March 16, 2021)

Ah, meditation; such a loaded word for some of us. I called it the ‘foo-foo’ stuff my therapist feeds me, that my primary tried to get me to think about and even my Rabbi. I didn’t understand how you could not think and think at the same time. How to slow down my...

Tamoxifen Toxicity and Me (Published in “The Mighty” 12/30/2020)

The “best case,” that is what my doctors told me about my second diagnosis with cancer. I had the “good” cancer, the one most treatable, a hormone-positive breast cancer. The plan was straightforward, and in my case, I was told my stage one invasive ductal carcinoma...

Give Yourself a Break Published on “The Mighty” 10/30/2020

See “The Mighty” Publication Here My therapist said I could teach the class in dealing with chronic pain. That is a compliment and far from anything to be embarrassed about. One of the best choices I ever made when I was told I had cancer a second time,...

Success for Chronic Pain Patients in New Hampshire!

39:18 New Paragraph; Definition Added; Controlled Drug Prescription Health and Safety Program. Amend RSA 318-B:31 by inserting after paragraph I the following new paragraph: I-a.(a) “Chronic pain” means a state in which pain persists beyond the usual...

He Said Yes

Published October 18, 2020 in “The Mighty” “The impact of him saying “yes” to being my Dad” My Dad is unique. See my Dad in 1971 had a choice to be my Dad or not. There were relatives that wanted to adopt me after the divorce and...