I am honored to have been asked to be the featured artist on display in The Midnight Creatives Collective located 134 Haines Street Nashua, NH. Twelve of my darkest pieces grace the walls for the entirety of the month of August 2024. For more information Visit the...
The Lymphedema Treatment Act was passed in December of 2022 but didn’t finally go into effect until this past January. Though we have known for decades that compression can save limbs and prevent life-threatening conditions, so-called health insurance has refused to...
It’s July 21st and I am tapped out. I am physically and mentally depleted to the extreme. There is a deep sadness I am fighting to keep at bay. I can feel it at the periphery, threatening to latch onto me, digging its claws into my already bleeding heart....
Are problems with your insurance stopping you from getting the care you need? Getting organized with Care Over Cost can help you receive the care you need. Click this link to submit your story. I’ve won so can you. *I can’t guarantee they will take every...
OPEN MEETING: On this coming Monday, June 17th, 7 pm-8 pm CST 8 pm-9 pm EST we will have an open UnitedHealth organizing meeting. You can register HERE. This is an open meeting we are widely promoting to people who are insured by United, medical workers who have...
As published in Work-Bites By Jenn Coffey My name is Jenn and I am from Manchester, New Hampshire. At one time, I was a fully functioning EMT and holding down multiple jobs at once, one of which was as a State Representative. I was a Republican and the Vice-Chair of...
I was honored to speak at the PNHP hosted webinar highlighting the many ways that health insurance corporations harm seniors in so-called “Medicare Advantage” plans—from limiting their choice of doctor, to demanding sky-high out-of-pocket payments, to outright denying...
“It just felt so cruel,” added Megan. “Like they weren’t thinking of my dad as a person, they were just thinking about him in terms of profit or dollars and cents.” Megan Bent “It’s ridiculous and disgusting that an insurance company has the power to tell my doctor:...
WBAI Moral Monday Labor Radio EMS in crisis Rev Dr Barber & Bob Hennelly @UEMSO_FDNY @fdnyVULCANS PLUS Wendell Potter Marianne Pizzitola @FDNYchic 9/11 WTC & Jenn Coffey, former NH EMS on why Medicare Advantage is neither. What’s Going On! WBAI’s new morning...
Insurers like UnitedHealth and Humana have a history of putting profits ahead of patients. Now, they’re taking over Medicare and walking away with billions in taxpayer dollars. A groundbreaking new report from Physicians for a National Health Program...