On this coming Monday, June 17th, 7 pm-8 pm CST 8 pm-9 pm EST we will have an open UnitedHealth organizing meeting. You can register HERE

This is an open meeting we are widely promoting to people who are insured by United, medical workers who have observed their care denials in their professional work, people have been denied care by UnitedHealthcare or OptumRx, or community members concerned about the corporation’s impact. 

During the meeting, we will debrief the meeting we had with United executives, share stories of the harm they cause, and let people know how they can join us all in fighting back. Feel free to share widely. People must register via this link HERE to get access to the meeting.

I hope you will join me and share this with your friends, coworkers, or family who may also be affected. 
All the best, Jenn